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If you:
Are in a place of transition in your work/life
AND you love helping others in later life, then our End of Life Plan Facilitators Programme will be for you!
If you:
AND you want to increase your ability, your credibility, and your confidence in this area, (not to mention standing out from others) then read on...
You might have had to take care of your parents or someone else close to you who has died, and realized the last thing you want is for your own death to be like that.
Or perhaps you’ve been an executor where the person who died was organized, and you understood what a huge blessing that is.
Maybe you just feel comfortable with this subject and want to help others feel more at ease too.
Whatever your own circumstances, one thing you do realize is that with an aging population in most of the world, more and more people are having to admit to something they have found unpalatable before – that they themselves are going to die.
If you do, then join us in the Before I Go vision...
Can you imagine that?
It would mean that general conversations would include the word 'death' with no comeback; that death would no longer be a taboo topic; and that we would all be more at ease our own end of life arrives.
This Before I Go Academy training in end-of-life planning is part of that vision. If this idea lights your fire, you want to make a contribution in this way to the world, and have yourself, your family and others benefit from making good end-of-life plans, then welcome, you are in the right place!
and find out more about becoming a Before I Go End of Life Plan Facilitator.
When my husband Philip died, I never for one moment imagined I would end up working in this field.
I had been an award winning counselor and coach for over 25 years, having originally trained personally with the famous Louise L. Hay in 1990, working in the personal growth field in many different aspects. I'd published books and tapes (well before the internet) and was helping small business owners to reach their full potential when Philip died.
Because of the questions he had answered in his last year, I was well prepared in some respects for the admin side of things afterwards. But there was much more we simply did not know about.
Fast forward to 2018, a year during which both my parents died. They had completed a comprehensive end-of-life plan each, the one that Before I Go Solutions offers, now known as the Before I Go Method®.
My three siblings and I had no disagreements at all, over what was a pretty stressful period (my parents both died unexpectedly within the same week in 2018).
As my parents' executor, I simply had to follow all their thoughtful instructions. What’s more, it was easy to find everything, and I took great solace from knowing I was carrying out what they wanted (and that they had known I would do this).
I am incredibly grateful and appreciative for the organisation they had so carefully thought through.
And I know from personal experience how hugely important this preparation work is, and I want to help you to help others do this too!
These sessions offer you live support while you progress through the training at your own pace. They happen on Tuesday evenings (7pm - 8.30pm UK, 11am PST, 2pm EST) and include a mix of Q&A time, partner exercises, study buddy get-togethers, presentations, discussion, videos, and role plays to help you become confident and clear to bring this work to those you want to benefit.
Part 1 of this programme is you completing your own plan, and this course is the one which your clients will get access to through you.
Module 1: Lessening the Household Headaches
Module 2: Advance Healthcare Decision Making
Module 3: Looking After the Legals
Module 4: Designing Your Digital Life and Finances
Module 5: Taking Care of the Body
Module 6: Eulogies and Keeping It All Updated
This tried and tested Before I Go Method® has been developed since 2017, working with individuals both on and offline to enable them to complete their end-of-life plans. You can find the full contents here, and it is this course you will be taught to facilitate.
All modules are accessed through a dedicated learning platform, Membervault, with a mix of reading matter, video/audio lessons and thought-provoking questions to inspire you.
The weekly live coaching calls help you consolidate, get questions answered, discuss with other students, and provide you with an opportunity for accountability - making sure you do what you say you are going to do!
Part 2 takes you through all that is needed to be able to communicate wisely and well with others about all aspects of end of life planning. In these classes, we cover:
Class 1: Necessary end-of-life conversation skills – listening and talking so your conversations in all areas of this subject are fruitful, knowledgeable, kind and compassionate, in all situations.
Class 2: Understanding bereavement and the impact it has, so you can compassionately and wisely be aware of how best to support others at a difficult time.
Class 3: DIY death – the multitude of things you and your family need to know to enable engagement of a funeral director to be lessened, or not used at all.
Class 4: Advance Care Planning – how to make sure all the ducks are in a row for this to contribute to the good death that most people say they want, but don't get.
Including homework, this all leads to you having the foundations in place to move on to Part Three, where you are taught to apply what you have learnt so far in an easily structured and enjoyable way, to offer as an accredited facilitator of the Before I Go Method®.
Here, we apply all that has been learnt in a way that best meets the needs of your community, be it virtually or in person. This is what we cover in PART 3:
BONUS 1: Assisted Dying. This module is for those particularly interested in helping participants explore the moral and ethical dilemmas this topic brings.
BONUS 2: Who Am I and What Is A Body? An understanding of being more than a body is helpful to some, and in this optional module you gain an introduction to this.
This unique part of our training offers you all the support you need in the critical time following your training. You will have complementary access to the Fab Facilitators community.
It means you get regular coaching calls and peer support to help you graduate and get your own EoL Planning work off to the best possible start!
During this 3 months, you will have access to:
You will use this 3 month Incubator time to:
Access to our BIG Method course is another unique aspect of our Before I Go Solutions offer.
Why this offer is so valuable:
"A Humbling Experience and a Chance to Change Lives for the Better""The Before I Go Facilitator Training has been a chance to enhance my knowledge, skills and confidence with a view to creating and delivering supportive and informative workshops for those too afraid ‘to go there’, or blissfully ignorant of the fact that end of life planning exists. From learning to delivering, this is a humbling experience and ultimately a chance to change lives on so many levels, for the better. You don’t often get to say that about a course you’ve been on" |
"Jane has a lovely way of making talking about death normal""I loved this training! It has given me the background and comfort to help others develop a solid end-of-life plan. I can now talk from experience because I was able to get my own plan in order with a supportive group of colleagues during the training. Jane has a lovely way of making talking about death something that is normal (as it should be!). I definitely recommend this course!" |
Your Financial Investment
Regular Price
£1997 (approx. US$2500) payable in 4 monthly instalments of £499 each (approx US$630)*
Best Value
Save £400 (approx. US$500) by paying upfront in full: £1600 (approx US$2010)*
*All US$ values will depend on the up to date exchange rate
All payment options include a 3 month Incubator period in our Fab Facilitators Community at no extra cost offering you ongoing skills and business development and peer support to get your EOL Planning work off the ground.
After this time, the monthly fee for the Community is £30.00 (approx $37)
The course modules are approximately 25 hours of lessons, plus a weekly call of 90 minutes. Outside of this, you should allow time for background reading, and other homework.
Depending on how much of your own end-of-life plan you have already completed, how much reading you do, and whether or not you want to watch the bonus modules, you can expect to spend between 1 - 3 hours per week on each of these modules.
Read our Terms & Conditions here
"I found the mentoring system extremely useful""I realized I was missing a very important element in my work helping people through their cancer journey, as I had not paid attention to the end of life process. The course has enabled me to ensure that my clients and their families have a good end of life experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the training and particularly found the mentoring system extremely useful" Krista Hyer, President, Cancer Support Group, Mallorca |
All modules are set up as a self-paced course on our Membervault training platform. They include audio-visual material as well as texts and links to other resources. For your coaching calls you will meet your BIGS facilitators and fellow trainees online via Zoom technology. You will get full instructions in how to use this, and it is very straightforward. You will need to have a camera on your laptop/phone so you can be seen on the call.
Ideally, yes. However, this is an upcoming market and in some countries there may not yet be insurance under the term ‘end of life planning facilitator’. So until that changes, insurance is not insisted on. You may already be covered by existing insurance, of course.
No, there is no payment to be made upfront, other than the cost of the Facilitators training itself. Thereafter, for all who have join the Community, there is an annual or monthly payment.
The amount of written work is kept to a minimum; this training is experiential, and other mechanisms are in place to ensure you have understood and integrated the course material. These are mainly a requirement for preparation and homework to be completed, a recorded session to be submitted at the end of the training, a short live presentation to be given during Part 3, and ongoing evaluation throughout the training.
The following is needed for graduation:
If you then want to continue on and practice, you need to make a commitment to joining the Fab Facilitators Community.
You will receive a checklist to keep you straight as to what is needed.
You will receive a Certificate of Completion from us, and a Certificate from our accrediting body, the CPD Standards Office, an organisation that is recognised internationally.
By taking these actions, and joining the Community, you will be an accredited Before I Go Solutions® End of Life Planning Facilitator and therefore authorised to use approved marketing material from Before I Go Solutions®, all other documentation as approved from the Before I Go Method® course.
Individual supervision is possible, to be arranged with one of the trainers privately.
Assessment is continual throughout the course, based on you completing each module, interaction in class, role play participation and amount of reading completed. Towards the end of the course, a half hour recording of you practicing, either 1:1 or in a group, will be required for the assessment process to be completed. A 1:1 session with Jane, Michael or other authorised person is also required.
There is an enormous amount of energy that gets released when people are given permission to talk freely about dying, death, grief, and all end of life matters, and that includes all emotions too. Hence someone saying on one of the early courses ‘I never knew talking about death could be such a laugh!’ (She was a carer of her two elderly parents).
Yes. Sometimes it is easier for people to contemplate this subject when not in a group (although there are lots of benefits from groups); and you can also work with couples or families if you wish, and feel confident to do so.
There are lots of creative ways to raise the funds for your place! For some practical guidelines and ideas on how you might fundraise to pay for your training CLICK HERE
No problem, set up a call with us to have a chat about whether this is right for you.
"This Training has Empowered Me""The Before I Go Solutions Facilitator training course is rich and robust. This training empowers me to feel more knowledgeable and confident in the facilitation of family conversations related to end of life wishes. I am grateful to have the Before I Go Solutions in my training arsenal as I help families achieve a peaceful ending through advanced planning" |
"Thoroughly Recommend this very informative Course""I love the fact I have completed my own EOL plan – and it has been a pleasure rather than a chore. We all know such endeavours don’t often make it to the top of our ‘things to do’ list. And yet, if not done, they remain a concern somewhere in our busy minds. It is truly liberating to get these plans made and as a consequence live a more fulfilling life. I thoroughly recommend this very informative course, with its role plays, video critiques, and real life stories that support the learning." |
Set up a no-pressure, no-obligation call with Jane to discuss whether this is the right programme for you.
Please read our Online Sales Terms & Conditions before purchasing. This includes details of our cancellation policy. At Before I Go Solutions® we respect the privacy of our customers. Read our policy about how we collect information, what we do with it and what controls you have.
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You can now train as an End of Life Plan Facilitator and help others to create great end of life plans (while getting your own sorted too!)
Everything you need to know is here in this accredited training.
This is where you'll find the recordings of our weekly live coaching calls. They will be available for one month after the original call; please watch or download them before the month is up.
The BIG METHOD Programme is a stand alone course which will take you through all the steps needed to complete your own end-of-life plan.
It is also the course you will have access to as a licensed BIGS Facilitator to take your own clients through, should you decide to opt for this.
Welcome to Part 2! This is where you change hats, so to speak, moving from focusing on your own personal situation, to thinking about others, and how you can help them.
All of the rest of the Facilitators Training is about this - learning more so you can assist others in what they need to know to make their own decisions, and then helping them to take the action required.
Make sure you go through all components of each module - you do have to have completed all lessons in each module to be able to graduate.
Any questions about the actual training content or your process, reach out to Michael michaelwilliams@beforeigosolutions.com
Any questions about challenges with the administration side, contact training@beforeigosolutions.com and one of our team will help you.
For further information about caring for a body at home, see https://pushingupthedaisies.org.uk/ a charity I am involved with in Scotland.
If you are interested in exploring this area further, seek out similar resources in your area.
In Module 4 - Advance Care Planning*, we explore the importance of planning for our future health care and treatment. As Facilitators, we will encourage our clients to reflect on their beliefs, values, and wishes for future health care and treatment and to consider who they will choose to represent their wishes in the event that they cannot communicate them.
You are encouraged to bring your questions to the coaching calls.
* Note: in Scotland, the term Anticipatory Care Plan (ACP) is often used.
This module links very much with the one on End of Life Conversations Skills, particularly the lessons on listening. Return to those to refresh your memory if you feel the need.
In the coaching calls, we will focus on facilitating group discussion and will often use role-play to explore various scenarios that you might encounter while working with clients in groups.
Again, please bring your questions (and experiences) to the coaching calls.
How to work with groups and with 1:1 clients.
An inspiring course of 5 short videos, each to be viewed before the other, setting out what actually is a living legacy, and helping you get going easily and in an enjoyable way on how best to be remembered.
With small, easy-to-manage tasks to do each day, you will make a great start on what will become a beautiful gift for your friends and family, especially after you've gone.
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DISCLAIMER We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back within 7 days of purchase. You will receive a refund of the total amount you paid minus administrative costs. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. For our full Terms & Conditions click here.Yes, I'd like to receive your emails. Please add me to your email list.